Letter AH prefix: (e.g.: AH300C)

  • Indicates our shower hinges with springs (when opening the door, the door adjusts 90 degrees)
  • can be asymmetric straps (e.g. AH300C) or symmetric straps (e.g. AH301C)
  • wall-to-glass or glass-to-glass hinges and 90, 135 or 180 degree hinges therein
  • some of our hinges are adjustable on demand, so that they can be fitted in any angle-closing opening

A substitute for a strap is the upper and lower pivot point, which is available in the AH series.


FH prefix:

  • these are not spring hinges, but free-moving hinges
  • can be wall-to-glass or glass-to-glass hinges and 90, 135 or 180 degree hinges within these

GC prefix:

  • indicates our fixed glass grippers
  • may be wall-glass and glass-glass holders
  • wall-to-glass grippers can be so-called single grippers (e.g.: GC701S) and so-called L-shaped grippers (e.g.: GC702G) – these are stronger than single grippers.
  • our glass-glass type grippers can be 90, 135 or 180 degrees or T grippers